Köklü Group
KÖKLÜ GROUP , which serves the agricultural sector, started its business life in 2001 by serving the retail sector under the name of KÖKLÜ TARIM. After being a companion for a certain period of time with the companies it represents, it established its company in 2005 with the title of AGROMER BİOSAN LTD. ŞTİ. With the AGROMER PLANT NUTRITION brand, it has received its registrations in 160 different products in organic and chemical fertilizer classes from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Turkey, and has also implemented many management systems such as ISO 9001 quality management system. It supplies important institutions and organizations in Turkey, especially the Beet Cultivators Union (PANKOBİRLİK) and Agricultural Credit Cooperatives (TKK). Exports are made to Kazakhstan, Serbia, Iraq, Albania, Jordan, Egypt, Qatar, Macedonia and Syria.